This is Not Your Traditional Dating Site
This site is only for people looking for sex. You must be willing to fuck...

Before viewing the members in your area, we need to ask you a couple of questions.
Question 1: Website contains sexually explicit pics of horny grannies in your area. You may KNOW some of these members. Do you agree to keep their identity a secret?
Question 2: These grannies have asked us to not allow men that are seeking a "relationship". They only desire quick sex. Not dating. Do you agree to this request?
Question 3: Are you sexually open-minded?
Question 4: Finally, are you at least 18 years old?
Reviewing your answers...
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Checking our database for matching profiles.

Based on your answers, there are 871 grannies near you

You are approved to signup
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You are approved to signup
Please read our 3 rules now!
Before signing up you must agree to the following rules:
If you see someone you know, you are not allowed to publicize it! Do not spread rumors.
When having sex with one of our members, it is YOUR responsibility to protect yourself against STDs
Respect the sexual desires of our members. Our users are normal people, not prostitues or pornstars.